1. kevwil(7)
  2. kevwil(7)


kevwil - Software Engineer and Technologist from Colorado

521 Hawthorn Circle
Frederick, CO 80530


kevwil [options...] project


Kevin is a self-taught engineer with experience ranging from web design and interactive media systems to systems administration and distributed computing technologies and cloud environments.

Kevin works on many platforms and is easy to maintain.


-g, --go

Golang, Kubernetes, Vault, Operator-SDK

-j, --java

Netty, Infinispan, JGroups, Hazelcast, Morphia, BouncyCastle, Spring, Dropwizard, Groovy, JRuby

-n, --node.js (deprecated)

Express, seaport, socket.io, mocha, CoffeeScript

-r, --ruby (deprecated)

Sinatra, Rails, RSpec, Capistrano

-db, --[no]sql

PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, Sqlite, MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis

-ms, --dotnet (deprecated)

NHibernate, MonoRail, ActiveRecord, Spring

-c, --cache

EHCache, InfiniSpan, Memcache

-m, --messaging

ActiveMQ, Camel, RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ

-s, --source-control

Git (please!), SVN, Mercurial, ClearCase, Perforce

-o, --other

Lua, Haskell, Erlang, Python, Perl, Fabric


Operating Systems

OS X, Linux, BSD, Windows


Pair Programming, Remote Pairing, Agile Process

Code Testing

Unit Testing, Behavior Driven Design, Regression Testing, Integration Testing

World Wide Web

XHTML, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, WebSockets


TCP Sockets, RESTful HTTP APIs, Asynchronous Queues


Horizontal Scale, High Availability, Fault Tolerance


Oracle Data Cloud (03/2016 - present)

Software Development Services team: Gradle-based CI/CD tooling software, Dropwizard-based services, React-based UI, Administration of Gitlab, Jenkins, Artifactory, Use of Puppet, Mesos, Terraform; Infrastructure-Platform team: Go-based Vault integration operator in Kubernetes, Ansible-based operator in Kubernetes for dynamic provisioning, OIDC auth system in Kubernetes, Use of AWS and OCI cloud platforms, Use of Terraform, Kubespray, Flux, Kustomize, Ansible, Administration of Vault, Kubernetes

Pearson Education, formerly eCollege (03/2006 - 02/2016)

Founding member of Enterprise Infrastructure team, Introduced Agile (XP) development process, Created distributed caching system, Created distributed session store, Created new social learning systems, Created secure identity management system, Part of new free OpenClass initiative, Introduced Continuous Integration process, Introduced Rails app development, Introduced RESTful service architecture, Worked on Continuous Deployment to the Cloud, Created dynamic scaling proxy framework

Bantam Technologies LLC (03/2003-03/2006)

Freelance consulting - worked on telecom switch processing, digital signage systems, built a school visitor check-in system

Software Architects (11/1999 - 03/2003)

Consultant and one-man-show of systems, network, and security admin in a small consulting office. Managed all PCs, printers, training equipment, PBX, network, firewall, email, and website.

references available upon request



Pet dander, dust mites, mold

Embarassing code

Aspen code unfinished/abandoned :(

This CV is copyright (C) 2020 Kevin D. Williams, All Rights Reserved.


github(1), linkedin(1), openclass(1), manpages(5), man(1), roff(7), markdown(7), ronn-format(7)

  1. January 2020
  2. kevwil(7)